Burholme Emergency Medical Services

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About Us

Burholme Emergency Medical Services is a self-supportive professionally managed and operated EMS agency. Our services range from ALS (advanced life support) emergency ambulance care to BLS (basic life support) emergency ambulance transports.

Burholme is a member of the Greater Northeast Chamber of Commerce, The Burholme Business/ Civic Association ,The PA Ambulance Association, The American Ambulance Association, and is the lead agency for the Alliance of Non-Profit Ambulance Companies of Philadelphia. PA Emergency Health Services  Council and the  Montgomery County Ambulance Association.


Acerca de Nosotros 

Burholme Servicios Médicos de Emergencia es un auto-apoyo profesionalmente administrada y operada agencia EMS. Nuestros servicios abarcan desde la ALS (soporte vital avanzado) La atención de emergencia en ambulancia a la BLS (soporte vital básico) de transporte de ambulancia y los viajes SSV (aoto para silla de ruedas). 

 Burholme es miembro de la Cámara de Comercio del Noreste, la Cámara de Comercio de Filadelfia, la Asociación de Ambulancias en PA, la Asociación de Ambulancias de América, y es el principal angencia para la Alianza de Empresas de Ambulancias sin fines de lucro de Philadelphia, Consejo de Salud de Pennsylvania , Ambulancia del Condado de Montgomery y los grupos de administradores de EMS(Servicios Médicos de Emergencia) .                                                                             


                                                                                    Mission Statement

Burholme First Aid Corps a/k/a Burholme EMS is a non-profit community based organization providing emergency and non emergency pre hospital care to the residents of our service area. Distinguished by a long history of volunteerism and community service, Burholme adapts to changing community needs with services that are consistently responsive, caring, high in quality and efficiently delivered. By building on it's progressive traditions, the organization anticipates a continued integral role in serving the medical care and transportation needs of the community and the larger region                      


                                                                                   Declaración de Misión  

Primeros Auxilios de Burholme , también conocido como Burholme EMS, es una organización comunitaria sin fines de lucro basada en proporcionar atención de emergencia y no emergencia pre hospitalaria a los residentes de nuestra área de servicio. Se distingue por una larga historia de servicio de voluntariado y de la comunidad.  Burholme se adapta a las cambiantes necesidades de la comunidad con los servicios que son siempre sensibles, el cuidado, de alta calidad y con eficiencia. Basándose en sus tradiciones progresistas, la organización prevé una continuación del papel integral en el servicio a las necesidades de atención médica y transporte de la comunidad y la región más grande 





                                                                 BEMS Patient  Bill of Rights

As a patient and a customer of ours, you have the right to expect a level of service from us that balances the emergency situation with compassion and appropriate care. If you have any questions or comments about our service you are encouraged to call our bureau manager at  215-725-4030 Burholme EMS pledges to you that: 

  1. All responding personnel (paramedics, EMTs, etc) will be polite, compassionate, empathic and soft spoken, respectful and well-mannered.
  2. Our personnel will be clean, neat, dressed in the appropriate uniform, and will look professional.
  3. Our personnel will introduce themselves to you by first name. They will provide you with a Medic ID number to identify them if you ask. They are not required to provide their last name or any other personal information; this is for the safety of our staff.
  4. Appropriate medical equipment and supplies will be brought to your side by our personnel based on your medical condition as reported to us by our 911 center.
  5. We will begin immediate treatment in your home or where you became ill or injured, if necessary. Appropriate ongoing care will be provided to you based on our medical expertise while following our prescribed protocols. We will do our best to clean up after ourselves without compromising your immediate care.
  6. Our personnel will explain to you or your family what is being done to assist you, and we will answer any questions you may have about your treatment.
  7. When required, you will be placed and properly secured on a clean stretcher with fresh sheets and wheeled as smoothly as possible to the ambulance and then through the emergency department. Your privacy, modesty and comfort will be our concern.
  8. We will never use any method to discourage you from seeking further medical treatment at the closest appropriate hospital if you wish to be transported.
  9. You will be transported in a clean and well-equipped ambulance to the hospital destination of your choice, provided that this hospital is within our catchment area, there is no inclement weather or severe strain on the EMS system, the hospital is not on Divert Status and that your condition does not warrant a special facility. You will be advised of any of these circumstances by our personnel.
  10. That your belongings, including clothing, valuables, and medications transported with you will be documented on our reports along with whom in the emergency department those items were given.

 You have the responsibility to cooperate with our personnel so we can provide the best and correct type of care for you.



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Firehouse Solutions
Burholme Emergency Medical Service
830 Bleigh Street
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Emergency Contact: 215-745-1550
Non-Emergency: 215-725-4030
Station Fax: 215-745-3997
E-mail: Info@burholme.org
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